What is Bub The Bandit™?

Big-headed, small-bodied, lovable bandit. The team has aspirations to take Bub to the next level from simple digital illustrations to plushies, toys, web comics, and potentially a board game. Bub The Bandit™ exists to bring inspiration and joy as a community-driven brand by providing NFT holders exclusive and premier access to Bub The Bandit™ web comics, extensive storytelling content, and limited merchandise. Think Gudetama, but bigger.

Is this project on the Cardano blockchain?


Where can I mint the NFT and how does it work?

Mint is closed. A bub can still be purchased on secondary marketplaces. A list of secondary marketplaces that we are verified on is on our Discord (policy-id channel).

How many NFTs were minted and what were their costs?

280 total NFTs at 25 ADA each. Find out more on our Discord.

What wallets can I use and how can I view my CNFT?

Please DO NOT send ADA from any Cryptocurrency Exchange. Use a Cardano supported wallet: Daedalus, Adalite, Yoroi, Nami, ccwallet. Once minted, you can view your NFT by copy and pasting your wallet’s receiving address into the search bar at pool.pm.

What to do if you want to contact us?

You can contact an admin in our Discord or email us at  info@bubthebandit.com.